Admission Notice: 2025-26
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQs), New Delhi
Admission Notice: 2025-26
1.Online Registration for Admission in Class-I and Balvatika (in selected KVs) in Kendriya
Vidyalayas for the Academic Year 2025-26 will commence at 10:00 am on 07.03.2025 and
will close at 10:00 pm on 21.03.2025. The details of admission are available on website
• Link to apply online for Class 1:
• Link to apply online for Balvatika 1 and 3 (wherever applicable):
2. Minimum age for admission in Class-I will be 6 years. Reckoning of age for all Classes
shall be as on 31.03.2025. Reservation of seats will be as per KVS Admission Guidelines
3. Age for Balvatika-1, 2 & 3 will be 3 to 4 years, 4 to 5 years and 5 to 6 years respectively as
on 31.03.2025.
4. Registration for fresh admissions, in Balvatika-2 & 3 (where online admissions are not
taking place), Class II and above (except class XI), will start from 02.04.2025 at 10:00 am to
11.04.2025 up to 04:00 pm, if vacancies exist, in offline mode only. The duly filled up form
needs to be submitted to the office of the Principal in the respective KV.
5. All information regarding Admission & Registration forms for Balvatika-2 & 3 (where
online admissions are not taking place), Class-II and above, if vacancies exist, will be
available on the Vidyalaya Websites and registrations can be done as per the Schedule for
Admission 2025-26.
6. Admission will not be granted, if wrong and misleading information in the application
form is found at the time of scrutiny by the KV.
7. Contact Principal/Admission In-charge, only when called, in the given time slot.